Enrollment & PetExec Client Portal
Welcome to our enrollment process! Please follow the instructions below to complete everything needed to be a part of our Zen Dogs family.
We are proud to offer our clients access to their Zen Dogs Center account through the secure, cloud-based PetExec software. PetExec allows you to create an owner & pet portal, and have the accessibility to upload vet records, cancel days from your daycare schedule, edit your credit card, among other modern conveniences.
All owners need to have a PetExec account with us. Please take a few moments to complete the set up of your account, and a few other important details.
The following need to be completed:
All client & pet information. (Please be sure to add phone numbers of all parents, if applicable).
Attach a photo of your dog to his/her account PLEASE! This is important!
Current Vaccination & (clear) fecal test certificates within the last year from your veterinarian uploaded (by you) or emailed to us: info@zendogscenter.com. *Alternatively, you can instruct your veterinarian office to email these to us at the above email address, and we will take it from there!
Zen Dogs Waiver & Liability Release digitally signed.
Complete our New Client Intake Form (found under the Enrollment Tab).
Contact us to discuss getting your dog scheduled for his/her first day!
Always feel free to contact us via phone or email if you have any questions—we will be happy to help.
Follow this link to get started: click here to create a new owner registration.